September marks our fourth birthday, the anniversary when Archie first trod the boards out front of the Arcade, and our event began. It has been our honor to serve gacha fans all over the grid since 2012!
This September, we have a couple new things to announce.
First off, we’ll be unveiling two brand new machine styles under the Arcade dome.
First, we’ll have a brand new mutoscope styled-machine throughout the event. While we loved our old mutoscopes, they dated back from when we first opened, and it was time for an upgrade. These new ones, created for The Arcade by Piraiyah Novikov of NOMAD are joining us this round. They may be brand new outside, but they’ll work just like you’re used to where it counts!
We’re also adding a new style of machine, the Love Tester, also built by Piraiyah Novikov for The Arcade.
Remember in past rounds where you had to hunt for small buttons to find just the right clothing size in the machines? These new machines change all that. Every machine with a sizing option is the same style machine, and the buttons – now placards on the front of the machine – are bigger and easier to find. Just look on the front to find the size you need.
All machines with sized content will be in the Love Tester machines.
Last round, we presented Arcade Rewards, a way to get a special additional item from our designers after playing their machines 50 times. Rewards are back this round, with even more designers participating. What’s more, the reward threshold has changed: it is now only 25 pulls to gain your reward item!
As an additional feature to the rewards program this time, you can click the Rewards sign to find out how close you are to earning the reward item, or have the item redelivered if you missed it.
You’ll find a full list of reward items on the Arcade’s shopping guide. Fair warning: once the round is over, those items will never be available again.