Dear Arcade Patrons,
It is with bittersweet sentiment that we announce some news today. After being part of The Arcade family for almost two years, our co-founder Umberto Giano has decided to spend less time in Second Life and in turn, has stepped down as an owner of the event. We at The Arcade support our co-founder’s decision, wish him a fond farewell and thank him for his time spent creating an amazing event alongside the three of us.
With our second anniversary around the corner, we’re excited to unveil a change of location for our September round. The Grove will no longer host The Arcade’s gacha events. We thank The Grove for giving the event its first home and wish the estate well, moving forward.
We our proud to announce The Arcade Gacha Event is now housed on its own simulators: “The Arcade” and “Gacha Galley”! We are beyond thrilled and look forward to the endless possibilities that come with having our own sim and connected homestead; Not just for the event, but for you too!
This move would not be possible without the support of our designers, sponsors and Arcade patrons. You amaze us and we thank you for making our dreams of owning our very own sims a reality.
Respectfully yours,
The Arcade Team:
Octagons Yazimoto
Katharine McGinnis
Emery Milneaux